Saddle Up Your T-Rex or Dragon, Rides Now Available in Free Realms

February 19, 2010

Saddle Up Your T-Rex or Dragon,
Rides Now Available in Free Realms

Two Tint-able Rides Available for
Members to Choose From

What’s better than having a T-Rex or
a Dragon as a pet? Having a T-Rex or a Dragon to ride you around in Free Realms!
Dragon and T-Rex Rides are now available to transport players, with more Ride
options coming soon. Players on Rides can have all the fun in-game adventures
they had before rides, but at quicker travel speeds. Rides are super-fast and
let players travel around Free Realms at more than 150% of their normal speed.

Ride vendors can be found in
Sanctuary, Seaside, Merry Vale, and Lakeshore. At each vendor there is a stable
hand and a trainer to answer questions and help with purchases. To buy a Ride,
talk to the stable hand or enter the Station Cash™ Marketplace. You will need to
click the “View All Categories” button and click “Rides.” T-Rex rides are
currently priced at 450 Station Cash and dragon rides are currently priced at
550 Station Cash. Rides are currently available for Members only.


  • Choose T-Rex or Dragon Rides in
    five different tints

  • Rides provide faster travel speeds
    of up to 150%

  • Ride vendors available in
    Sanctuary, Seaside, Merry Vale, & Lakeshore

  • One click of the saddle to get on
    and off the Ride

  • Run, jump, swim, and bounce off
    launch pads and more!

  • Ability to own more than one Ride