Devs looking into customization in Twisted Metal

In an interview with GamerFitNation, Twisted Metal lead playtester Greg revealed that customization in the game is possible in the future.

"We're definitely looking at the ability to get some of your own ideas into the game – as far as customization goes," Greg said.  "We're not sure how far it can go."

With an impressive looking online multiplayer mode, Twisted Metal could be the perfect opportunity to add it.  Greg did explain that there were some customization options in place, but admitted they are looking into ways to get even more individuality into the game.

"There is a paint shop so we do offer some vehicle skins.  If you want to have a pink warthog with a rainbow on it, we may have that. If you choose that you want to be a yellow bumblee looking kamikazi  then that's your thing," Greg explained.  There's a bit of individuality, but we're looking into possibly finding ways to get it.  It may work, may won't.

Check out the full interview below.