Firefall’s first public beta kicks off this weekend

It seems like the wait for Firefall has been ongoing for quite a while now. After numerous closed beta tests, Red 5 Studios is ready to move on to its next phase: the game's first public beta test.  Beginning this Friday, January 25, players will have access to an unlocked 48-hour "Beta Weekend."

This will be one of three beta weekends scheduled for early 2013. Two additional public stress-tests are planned for February and March as part of Red 5's strategy to gradually roll out Firefall's beta.

“After successfully completing a few controlled stress-tests late last year, we’re excited to move into the next phase,” said James Macauley, Vice President of Development, Red 5 Studios. “This will be the first time that we’ve opened up Firefall’s servers to everyone. We’re really looking forward to gathering a bunch of new feedback and data that will help us build up to launch this year.”

These Beta Weekend stress-tests will be completely unlocked with no keys required. Additionally, each weekend test incorporates a community unlock, exclusive contest, and unique theme to teach players the ins and outs of Firefall. This weekend features:

  • Skillshot Contest (Video) – Record and submit an epic skillshot video for a chance to win a prize pack filled with Firefall SWAG and Razer™ gear
  • Skillshot Contest (Screen) – Screencap a stylish skillshot for a chance at being featured on the official Firefall Facebook page
  • Community Unlock – Play during the weekend to unlock an exclusive, customized Battleframe decal
  • Livestream – Join a special episode of Firefall Live on TwitchTV to see Athene and Reese owning the competition with their own skillshots

To celebrate the upcoming open beta weekend, Red 5 has released a brand new trailer, depicting all of the latest action-packed content in Firefall. Sign up for the beta here and enjoy the video above.