Microsoft doesn’t own Xbox One domain names, but is fighting to get them

You'd think when a company is about to unveil a new product they'd ensure that they own the associated domain names. In this case, I'm talking about Microsoft and the Xbox One. Surprisingly, the platform holder does not own the domain names or, but has filed a complaint with the National Arbitration Forum for rights to them.

It may come as a shock that Microsoft wouldn't secure the domains for something as big as the next-gen Xbox, but when you take into account how much is leaked as a result of companies registering domain names, it starts to make a bit more sense. For months, Microsoft's domain registrations were being used to predict the name of the next Xbox. Turns out they were all wrong as Microsoft surprised us all with the Xbox One name.

And now the company wants the associated domain names. According to Fusible, both and are registered to a resident of the United Kingdom. Given Microsoft's track record with domain disputes, it will likely go in their favor.
