Jimmy Fallon roams the streets of Watch Dogs: creepy sex dolls and a fast chase scene

On the third day of Video Game Week hosted by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Ubisoft took center stage presenting their upcoming open-world hacking game, Watch Dogs.

Having been revealed all the way back in 2011, we've already seen plenty of Watch Dogs footage, but the game's appearance on Video Game Week teases us once again with just how open the city of Chicago will be. After a brief walkthrough and demonstration guided by Aisha Tyler and Ubisoft's Nicholas Mainville, Fallon goes hands-on with the game during a chase scene reminiscent of both Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed.

Watch Dogs is set to release on November 19 in North America for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, and PC. It is also coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4, but we don't yet have a launch date for those consoles yet.

If this is your first time tuning in for Video Game Week, I suggest you check out the two prior videos: Fallon's hands-on with the Xbox One and with the PS4.