Microsoft now owns domain

Microsoft may not be fans of the "Xbone" nickname, but they are now the proud owners of the flagship domain for it, Presumably in an effort to prevent any sort of Xbox One bashing in the form of this not-so-clever play on words, Microsoft has purchased the domain, according to the latest WHOIS records (via Fusible).

The discovery comes just days after Larry Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox LIVE, posted a message on NeoGAF saying the nickname, "…disrespects the teams that have put in thousands of hours (already) into the development of the product." Xbone was, of course, the nickname the internet deemed for the Xbox One shortly after Microsoft originally revealed the console.

While Hryb admitted it was "cheeky," he also didn't care too much for it. It seems Microsoft agrees with his sentiment. As of right the time of this writing, redirects to a Bing search for the word "Xbone."