Killzone: Shadow Fall is a whopping 50GB on PS4

Good thing Sony is introducing this whole "Play as you Download" functionality with the PlayStation 4 because Guerilla Games' Killzone: Shadow Fall will be roughly 50GB in size when downloaded from the PlayStation Network.

In talking about the new functionality with Eurogamer, SCE UK boss Fergal Gara revealed that Killzone: Shadow Fall is pushing 50GB in size.

"There are big innovations in the PS4 to make it more attractive and more easy gamer wise to want to download. The Play as you Download functionality, for example, means you don’t need the whole file before you go. This is a little bit counterbalanced by the fact the files themselves are getting bloody big," Fergal said. "Killzone: Shadow Fall is an uber file – I think it’s cracking on for 50GB. It looks it, too, when you see it."

"It is still a relatively tedious process. We’ve done a lot of work on pre-delivering files. It’s not perfect. It’s not seamless. The file version of the game versus the disc version of the game maybe needs to go through additional QA and additional testing. Some of the problems that have occurred have occurred on older machines, which of course when you go into the next-generation you at least get to reset and start again and everything’s the same age and new. That helps.

"But it’s a major area of focus. It’s a major area of investment. The network will perform better on multiple levels, because it becomes not just a sales or gaming delivery but increasingly it becomes a social network. So it’s got to be a compelling experience on multiple levels. It’s going to be for no lack of investment, for no lack of effort and no lack of intention that things might fall a bit short. But we’re definitely moving in the right direction, and I’m confident when step on and understand its importance," Fergal concluded.

Obviously there's some concerns among gamers when downloading a file that's sized so big. Aside from download times, it looks like you should plan on upgrading that hard drive. The PS4 will ship with a 500GB hard drive, but it's not too hard to do the math and see that an upgrade will likely be necessary.

Does the size of a game like Killzone: Shadow Fall concern you?