Toys”R”Us reveals next two Disney Infinity exclusives

This Sunday, October 13, Toys"R"Us will receive two new Disney Infinity exclusives: Infinite Crystal Series Sulley and Emperor Zurg's Wrath Power Disc.

For those who missed our previous announcement, Toys"R"Us is host to a line of exclusive figurines — the Infinite Crystal Series — that have enhanced in-game abilities. The exclusive Power Discs also unlock special in-game power, gadgets, vehicles, and more.

Infinite Cyrstal Series Sulley comes with a full set of bicycling power moves and traps for unsuspecting monsters. Emperor Zurg's Wrath Power Disc will increase the damage of your in-game weapons by 15 percent.

Both toys will be available for purchase online at the official Toys"R"Us website. Individual pricing hasn't been announced, but I assume it'll fall in line with the previous figures in the line.