Despite the rumors floating around the internet, Evolution Studios' upcoming racer Driveclub won't support Sony's newly revealed virtual reality headset, Project Morpheus. Nor was making Driveclub compatible with the peripheral the cause of the game's delay.
Speaking to Gamespot, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida set the record straight. "There's a rumor the reason of the push back of Driveclub was to make it Morpheus compatible," he said, "that's totally untrue."
Yoshida did reveal that the virtual reality, cockpit view in Driveclub worked well when driving at low speeds, but when began to feel the effects of motion sickness when speeding up. Right now, though, Evolution Studios is "not working on Morpheus at all. Instead, they are putting "all the effort" into finishing the game.
As for the real reason for the game's delay in October 2013, Yoshida said, "the extra time we're giving the team means the visuals and overall experience are only going to get better. We can assure you that it will be worth the wait."
Driveclub still doesn't have a release date, but rumors range from a June release to sometime this fall.