Clash of Clans Clan Wars update coming this week

If all goes as planned, Clash of Clans will be getting its highly anticipated Clan Wars update this week. Of course, that depends on Apple, so Supercell was unable to give an exact date. Either way, the update will be available for iOS and Android at the same time. 

"If all goes as planned, the update will come this week," developer Supercell said. "Please note that it also depends on Apple, so that's why I don't have a specific date for you yet."

"We're now making final preparations, so if all goes well, it's not more than a few days away!"

Let's keep our fingers crossed. Clan Wars was officially unveiled last week, but has been one of the more highly requested features since the game's launch. Late last week, the developer posted an in-depth guide on how Clan Wars will operate, which you can read up about here. Basically, Clan Wars will take place in an entirely separate part of the game and will features a mimic representation of your city. A war will last for a total of two days and features two distinct phases: a prepration day and a battle day.

In the meantime, Supercell is offering a 1-gem boost for each resource collector while we wait for the update to arrive.