Relive Vanilla Ice’s Ninja Rap in this extremely self aware Kraft Mac & Cheese commercial

If there is one thing Vanilla Ice will never live down, it's his Ninja Rap from the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Since we're at the dawn of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, which releases today, we thought we'd reminisce back to this hilarious commercial from earlier this year.

As a lowly department store worker, Vanilla Ice restocks a shelf of Kraft Mac & Cheese that are themed after the Nickelodeon version of Ninja Turtles. Of course, he starts softly singing the Go Ninja Go lyrics, until a mom and her kid spot him. Since this is a movie from the 90s, the kid has absolutely no idea what's going on, but his mom full on busts out into the song. It's self aware, it's hilarious, and it's something that only kids from the late 80s and 90s will understand.

Does this make you want to Go Ninja Go see the new movie? Given Vanilla's hatred for Wiz Khalifa's new TMNT song specifically for the new movie, we think he might be sitting this one out.