SOE Live 2014: Still no date for PlanetSide 2 beta on PS4, but here’s a status update

Sorry to disappoint, but SOE still has not announced a release date for PlanetSide 2 on PlayStation 4. There was speculation that a date could be revealed during SOE Live this weekend, but alas nothing. 
The good news is, we've got an update on the development since E3. If you recall, the focus prior and during E3 was all about the interface. SOE claims they've made "a bunch of progress" in terms of optimization with the interface on PS4.
"At E3, the laragest challenge on bringing PlanetSide 2 to PS4 has been getting all the things that make it work on PC, work well on console with the experience of using the DualShock 4. So user interface has been huge," SOE said.
planetside 2 ps4 loadouts
Engineer Loadout for PlanetSide 2 on the PlayStation 4.
The dev teams says they're proud of the progress made since June, but admits there's "still more work to do" to make make it console friendly. Most of the loadout systems are finished, but there's still work to be done on the map and in-game store.
So when can we expect PlanetSide 2 on PS4?
2014. That's all SOE is saying no matter how many different ways we tried to ask them (and we tried a bunch). Check back later for our full interview with SOE about PlanetSide 2.