Destiny players are going to war over Xur: Agent of the Nine

There appears to be some unrest among Destiny players. With the latest update having fixed much of what was wrong with Destiny's loot system, the Cryptarch is no longer the most hated person in the Tower. No, no, that honor how belongs to Xur: Agent of Nine, who appears to be the cause of a Destiny's first Civil War between Guardians.

For those unfamiliar, Xur is a vendor who appears on the weekends inside the Tower, selling players Legendary and Exotic items for Strange Coins and Motes of Light. As if his location — which changes ever weekend — wasn't enough of a troll, it seems that Xur is now sparking some unrest among players — particularly Warlocks who have risen up to declare war on the vendor. 

Over on the Destiny subreddit, Warlocks have launched a new Operation: Murder Xur.

Xur must pay. For too long have we been kept down by his power. While the lowly Hunters and Titans reap exotics week after week, he keeps us down with the same gauntlets almost every damn time. Well no more I say! I say we take matters into our own hands! We take from him the exotics we we, the master race, so rightfully deserve! And we strike him down with the very embers he so persistently sells us!

Basically, Warlocks are pissed that for three weeks now, Xur has brought them only Sunbreakers, the Exotic-level Gauntlets for the Warlock class. Meanwhile, he's brought Titans and Hunters new class items each week, which could be why they joined forces to launch their own counter Operation to protect Xur.

Titans! Throw down your fists and raise your shields! Hunters! Fire your guns of gold and slash with electricity! We must stop the warlocks from destroying our source of power!

And that, my friends, is how the first Civil War among Guardians broke out in Destiny. Fitting that it would be over loot. At least we're not going to war over the Cryptarch — that dude is still a douche.