A new Ace Attorney is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2018/early 2019

OBJECTION... actually, we're ok with that.

One of the most niche but also iconic franchises on Nintendo platforms is the Ace Attorney series. Capcom has developed the Japanese visual novel series where you must investigate cases and defend people in cases. It's mostly been made for the Nintendo DS over the last generation or so but Capcom has revealed they're already developing an Ace Attorney for the Nintendo Switch.

Capcom chief operating officer Haruhiro Tsujimoto stated that the untitled Ace Attorney game is due in the fiscal year 2019 (between April of 2018 – March 2019. Capcom recently noted that they couldn't realistically pump out a brand new game within a console's first year and it sounds like this only recently entered development so it may hit late 2018/early 2019.

Whatever the case may be, Ace Attorney will likely be an incredible fit for Nintendo Switch and we can't wait to play it!

[Takashi Mochizuki via Game Informer]