Check out these stunning Gears of War 4 screenshots straight out of E3

New batch of screenshots to go along with an impressive trailer

Following yesterday's announcement of Gears of War 4 for Xbox One, Microsoft has published a fresh batch of incredible screenshots from the highly anticipated third-person shooter.

There's not many, but they do show off an incredible amount of detail and some impressive lighting. Granted, these have probably been touched up a bit, but even the actual gameplay footage shown during Microsoft's E3 press conference was impressive.

Gears of War 4 isn't slated to release until the Holiday Season 2016, but if this is just a taste of what we should expect, then I'm impressed. 

You can check out the new Gears of War 4 screenshots below.

Gears of War 4 Screenshot

Gears of War 4 Screenshot

Gears of War 4 screenshot - Xbox One

Gears of War 4 screenshot - Xbox One