Destiny: The Taken King’s Red Bull promotional cans being swiped by scammers

The PR nightmare continues

The hits just keep on coming for Bungie, as gamers are reporting major problems with the recently announced Red Bull/Destiny promotion.

According to Neogaf, people have apparently figured out how to redeem the Red Bull codes without having to purchase the cans. Some crooks are reportedly figuring out the codes are easy to guess, and many people who are legally purchasing the drinks are finding their codes useless when they try to enter them into the site.

In case you've been out of the loop, Bungie announced it is partnering with Red Bull in conjunction with the upcoming release of the DLC expansion, The Taken King. The promotion offers players who buy the cans a 50% XP boost as well as a way to access a timed exclusive "multi-stage mission" available in the upcoming expansion. The timing of the promotion didn't really come at the best time, incensing a lot of loyal Destiny players who've committed to the game since day 1. It's even generated mock promotions from other developers like Techland.

At this point, it just feels like par for the course for Bungie and Activision. They clearly didn't plan ahead for the onslaught of bad PR ahead of the Taken King's release. It must be even more upsetting to be those players who bought the cans and are being hit with error messages.

Hopefully there's a fix for this very soon.