Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower location and exotic items (7/3/15)

Happy 4th of July, from Xur?

I don't know if Xur recognizes America's Independence, but either way he's back in Destiny with a fresh batch of Exotic goods.

Xur, of course, is Destiny's mysterious vendor who pops up on the weekends in the Tower and Reef to sell you Exotic armor and weapons, as well as the Exotic Shards used to upgrade them. Just make sure you have enough Strange Coins and Motes of Light on you.

This week (July 3, 2015), Xur can be located on the right side of the Tower Hangar. Here's what he's brought with him this week:

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Currency Cost
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Helmet 125 Discipline SC 13
Lucky Raspberry Hunter Chest Armor 163 Intellect SC 13
Apotheosis Veil Warlock Helmet 123 Discipline SC 13
Universal Remote Shotgun   SC 17
Exotic Shard Material   SC 7
Exotic Engram Helmet Engram   MoL 23

As a reminder, Xur no longer offers upgrades for gear you already own since House of Wolves introduced the new the Ascend system.

In related news, Bungie announced yesterday the full contents of Destiny's next expansion, The Taken King, coming this September. Check out all the content you'll get for your $40 purchase here.