Driveclub content possibly headed to Rocket League

No problems here, move along.

Earlier this month Rocket League released their Supersonic Fury DLC pack priced at $3.99 that added two cars, two rocket trails and a number of other features. Along with the DLC, patch 1.04 brought even more content to game and on top of that (these developers sure are busy) they are already working on the next set of DLC!

Psyonix isn't just bringing any type of content to their game, they're bringing items from other games like Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal and Strike Vector into their game, and it looks like their next partnership might be with Driveclub.

In a three part Tweet the Rocket League developers thanks a number of developers who let them put their stuff in Rocket League. Driveclub's game director Paul Rustchynsky replied to the Tweet asking if Driveclub could be a 'future pal.'

Thomas Silloway, the project lead on Rocket League replied to Rustchynsky's Tweet with the best possible reply — "Let's talk."

Boom. That's what social media was created for folks, to open up our minds, to build connections and ultimately, to tell people to make the a sandwich. Things can't get better than this.
