EA Instagram attacked by fans demanding Skate 4

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SKATE 4.

Back in 2010, EA released the last iteration of the Skate franchise — Skate 3. Since then, EA has gone on to release plenty of games… None of which were Skate 4. Fans have noticed EA's blatant attempt at ignoring the need for another Skate, so they have decided to make EA aware of their needs. 

No, fans didn't create yet another pesky (and underwhelming) Change.org petition for Skate 4. Instead, they took to the biggest thing in social media right now to voice their needs.

This has lead to a sudden inundation of Skate 4 requests on EA's official Instagram. The comments calling for Skate 4 have been distributed across a number of images, including EA's most recent Valentine's Day themed posts.

As a commenter said, the only thing keeping us from Skate 4 is EA itself.


