EA is adding extra servers to handle to player load for Battlefront beta

Server issues in a multiplayer game? Never!

Sever issues are a known plague upon the house of multiplayer games. It’s something that crops up every time a new one drops, so as frustrating as it is, it never really comes as a surprise anymore. Star Wars Battlefront is no different now that the beta has gone live. 

While the issues aren’t nearly as pandemic as some other series have had to contend with in the past, EA is at least acknowledging that enough players are running into sever drops, inability to join matches and other issues to warrant some solutions. Via Twitter they commented, "We're aware a small number of players may be unable to join a Multiplayer match and are working to resolve for those affected."

So, they’re on it. Which is fine, especially considering this is a beta and is intended to suss out issues exactly like this. The beta is live now and will continue to run until October 12th, so there’s still time to check it out for yourself and form some opinions, but if nothing else, it is seriously pretty.