Short on bottle caps? Don't worry, that lovely new firearm can be yours thanks to a newly discovered bartering glitch. Although labeled by many as an "unlimited bottle caps" glitch, it's technically more of an exploit that puts the vendor in such debt with you during a trade that you clean out their entire inventory of supplies.
While you can find many videos explaining this process, few of them have clear directions on how to pull this off. But after some testing we managed to do so and can confirm that the glitch does in fact work (at least on PS4); however, you'll only get as many caps as they have available. This glitch is more to allow you to purchase their goods with the excess money they owe you.
So how do you glitch these vendors into thinking they owe you? Below is a step by step process.
1.) Head to a vendor and barter.
2.) First decide an ammo type you want to use the glitch with. Choose the ammo you have the least of or care the least about since that’s the one that will be used the glitch.
3.) Select vendor’s inventory and select the ammo of your choice that you wish to use the glitch with (example. 308 Round). Purchase all of it but do not finalize the deal by hitting “accept” a second time.
4.) Select your inventory and sell back the same ammunition you just purchased (.308 Round). Return just one. Accept, but don’t finalize. He should have one and you should have the rest.
5.) Return to your inventory again and select the rest of that same ammunition (.308 Round) and sell them all back. You should still be left with one. This means you’re glitch is ready.
6.) Continuing pressing “sell” and you’ll see the total number of bottle caps on your side go up while the vendor’s is in the negative.
7.) Go back to their inventory and select that same ammo (.308 Round). Purchase them all, but make sure you have the amount of bottle caps that would cost already in your inventory (If it would cost 1000 caps, make sure you have 1000 caps). Repeatedly “Buy” that ammo back and you’ll see the amount the vendor owes you grow exponentially.
8.) Once the vendor owes you a ton of bottle caps, you can purchase the rest of the vendor's inventory items.
9.) Finally accept the deal. The game will warn you that the vendor doesn’t have enough caps. Accept anyway and you’ll finalize it.
Note: You will only receive the number of bottle caps the vendor is currently carrying, but you will receive all of the items you bartered for.
So is this glitch fair?
Hey, it's the wasteland. Survival of the fittest.
Besides, it's no more cheating than accessing the command line on PC.