Fans apologize to Zack Snyder after watching Ultimate Cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Is it too late to say sorry?

When Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice released back in March, people scrutinized director Zack Snyder for the film. Critics and fans tossed so much hate at him for "ruining" two of the most iconic heroes and screwing up the film fans have wanted to see for decades. Who wouldn't be upset with him? Many were hoping that the extended cut with thirty extra minutes would help fix many of the films issues, but people were also worried that it could make the film even worse.

When the Ultimate Edition released on digital platforms last week, many people praised the film (including me) for fleshing out plots, better pacing, and much needed character development. The majority of fans who hated the film originally did a complete 180 after watching the Ultimate Cut and loved it. Some fans even went on Twitter and tweeted at Zack Snyder and shifted blame towards Warner Bros. as a whole. You can view some of the tweets below.

Snyder is currently helming production on the DC ensemble film Justice League which will release on November 17th, 2017.