Gearbox promises Borderlands updates and exclusive reveals at PAX South

Borderlands on Xbox One and PS4?!

The first-ever PAX South is jam-packed with panels from some of the industry's biggest developers and personalities, and thanks to a posted schedule we now know that Borderlands developer Gearbox Software intends to host its own panel.

Titled "Inside Gearbox Software," the panel will offer attendees a behind-the-scenes look at Gearbox Software, as well as the latest news and updates on Borderlands and upcoming titles. The developer even promises "never-before-seen reveals, exclusives, and surprises," urging PAX South attendees not to miss out.

The panel is scheduled for Sunday morning, January 25th, from 10:30 am to 11:30am. It'll be held in the Main Theatre.

If you recall, one of the things we want from gaming in 2015 is Borderlands on Xbox One and PS4. Perhaps this is where the announcement will be made.