Hyper Light Drifter received a patch that made the game easier

Heart Machine has found themselves caught up in a small whirlwind regarding the game's difficulty

If you haven't heard of Hyper Light Drifter, you should really do yourself a favor and read up on it. The game is a Kickstarter success story from 2013 that finally released this month. Reviews for the game have been largely positive (an average score of 86 on Metacritic), but there is one talking point about the game that just can't seem to go away.

Its difficulty. 

Speaking from first-hand experience, the game is very tough, but fair. It demands (and rewards) pin point dexterity and reflexes, but this apparently has drawn the ire of a number of fans. The feedback has been so prominent that Developer Heart Machine released a patch a couple of weeks ago with the intention of making things easier on the player.

On April 15th, the Developers released what they called the "Invincibility Patch" which (among other things) most notably added a few frames of invincibility when the player uses the Dash mechanic. This patch created quite the debate in the Hyper Light Drifter community so much so that Heart Machine went back and re-adjusted a few things to add difficulty three days later.

This debate raises an interesting question. Should developers relent if enough players feel that a game is too hard?

Source: [Hyper Light Drifter Steam News Page]