Although the 3DS may be known as the newest and greatest handheld system ever, which is saying a lot considering that the system isn’t coming out until next year, it doesn’t seem like momentum for the Sony handheld will stop any time soon. With Square’s heavily-anticipated Parasite Eve: 3rd Birthday, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Dissidia 012 on their way, it seems that Nintendo’s product may just have a bit of the competition that it needs.
Being leaked out of Jump Magazine, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix is currently planned for a January 2011 release in Japan. Featuring elements from the North American version of the game, including English cut-scenes and new features that were added to the U.S. Version, Square Enix will also be including a new Secret Episode that can only be reached by fulfilling specific conditions.
Before the launch of Final Mix however, the 3rd Birthday will be released on December in Japan at a pricepoint of ¥6,090. Also featured at TGS was more news about Square’s sequel to the first Dissidia, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy which featured both a trailer and a playable build. Square will be attempting to push all three upcoming handheld games through tying them together through costume options. Aya will have a Lightning outfit in the 3rd Birthday, Lightning will have an Aya outfit in Dissidia while Cloud will have a Kingdom Hearts outfit in Dissidia. It remains to be seen on just how Kingdom Hearts Final Mix will be affected if anything.
[source: Andriasang]