Leaked Suicide Squad videos shows Harley Quinn and The Joker going at it

Joker's car license plate says HAHAHA

Some videos and pictures were taken on the set of Suicide Squad showing Jared Leto's The Joker and Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn in a heated exchange. We can see that Margot appears to be dressed as Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who treated the joker and fell in love with him, instead of Harley Quinn in her typical sexy clown attire.

It appears that the two are yelling at each other, guns get pointed, they share a kiss maybe, and then The Joker slaps her. There are others pictures taken and short clips that you can see on Batman-News.com, including the sweet, purple, exotic sports car that The Joker is driving.

Suicide Squad releases in theaters on August 5, 2016.

YouTube John Quinn