A Tenneesee man has started a petition on the White House Website to focus President O'bama's attention to something so important it outweighs all of America's other problems. Forget the debt, forget the economy, this is much more important! We MUST ban Skyrim! At least that's what a petition submitted by to the White House Website suggests.
The official petition calls for President Obama to "Immediately Ban the Deadly Videogame Known as 'SkyRim' for The Safety of America's Youths".
Whereas videogaming has proven to cause social, ethical and health problems in people of all ages,
Whereas sexual perversion and homosexuality are threatening to destroy the Christian foundations on which this nation was built,
Whereas a new video game has just been created that far exceeds any others in the psychological and spiritual damage it does to teens,
We, the American people, today ask you,
1) To enact an immediate ban on the videogame known as "SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.
2) To seize and destroy all copies already in public hands and erase its presence on the internet.
3) To prosecute the players of "SkyRim" to the fullest extent of the law.
4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored.
Anybody who has played Skyrim can CLEARLY see the dangers it is imposing on America's young minds. Killing dragons is DESTROYING the Christian foundaitons on which this nation was built! The fact that Skyrim allows you to be a homosexual is disturbing, and quite frankly, O'bama should ban the game for it. *rolls eyes*.
I think the sad thing about all of this is that as of right now 450 other people were crazy enough to agree with this petition. The petition needs 24,550 signatures by December 24, 2011 to reach its goal of 25,000.