Ugh! Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, why are you so blah? Seriously! You're slow, you're restrictive, and you're not very fun. Why won't you just go away?! What's that? You're saying you are going away? And your kid brother, the Nintendo Network, is taking your spot? Well, I say, good riddance!
During an investment briefing, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced that the 3DS and Wii U would utilize the new Nintendo Network to provide gamers with a more involving online experience. According to the Big N's boss, "competitions and communication among users, as well as the sales of digital content, will be covered within the Nintendo Network."
Iwata stated that retail titles for the Wii U and 3DS will be available for digital download through the Nintendo Network. It still hasn't been decided when this feature will be implemented, but it's an exciting prospect regardless. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't wait too long to start delivering full games as digital downloads.
Additionally, the Wii U will allow for multiple user accounts on the same system. That's awesome, and it's great that users won't have to share the same account on the same console, because that's totally lame. This is good stuff, Nintendo, and I really hope the Nintendo Network delivers an enjoyable online component akin to Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.
Now, how about giving us an achievements system?