Nintendo Patents New Touchpad Accessory for Wiimote

Nintendo is obviously gearing up for the Wii U, the new HD game system with an innovative new tablet controller. Though they've shown off some interesting uses for the tech, one big reveal was that the Wii U will only support one of these tablet controllers, with additional players forced to use a standard Wiimote. With their latest patent however, Nintendo appears interested in letting other players join in on the touch-screen fun, as awkwardly as possible.

The patent shows what appears to be a housing for the Wiimote, letting the controller rest inside the bulky new shell. Extending from the top of this case is a touch-pad, containing its own tiny screen, letting players interact with the game… somehow. Honestly we have no idea. The patent claims the touch-pad could be used as a drawing device or something, which is a pretty flimsy justification for this bizarre accessory.

Would something like this encourage you to pick up a Wii U? Or would you prefer the true next-generation power of the Xbox 720 or Playstation 4?