PlayStation VR has external power unit, won’t rely on PS4

Also lets non players impact the game for VR users

The PlayStation VR unit will not rely on a PS4 in order to process images and audio according to a report out of the Unite 2015 conference. According to Sony's Ram Madhavan, the VR system will rely on an external processing unit that will formulate both the graphical and audio images. 

The system itself will support 3D binaural audio with headphones which will allow you to hear the direction in which sounds are coming from and mapped to either your right or left ear. A newly mentioned feature is the mirror and separate modes where onlookers watching the gameplay can in fact pick up a controller and impact what happens in game for the VR user. The conference went into a further breakdown of a lot of the information we are already aware of regarding the unit and cleared up some of the ambiguities as well. 

You can see the entire video below taken directly from the Unite 2015 conference and PlayStation VR will launch in 2016 with a current unknown date. Are you impressed with PlayStation VR so far?? Let us know.