Rumor: Metal Gear Solid 5 to launch ‘summer 2013’ or beyond

Though we’ve been aware of Hideo Kojima’s presence behind the next Metal Gear Solid game, which many suspect to be Metal Gear Solid 5, we’ve heard little to nothing in terms of a possible release window. Today, though, a reported motion cap agent has announced that he expects the game to be out anywhere from summer 2013 or anytime after, though he expects 2014 as a possible release.

Speaking with a Silent Hill fan site, mo-cap actor Eric Bossick revealed that he was involved with the upcoming Metal Gear Solid title, though he could not unveil any more details due to Konami’s secrecy.

 "I am working on a future Metal Gear, not to be released until next year," he related. "Summer at the earliest, if not later then that. I'm doing motion capture only. I can 100% say my voice will not be involved in this. I don't even know what the title is. [Konami is] very secretive, and sometimes even the scenes I act out, I don't even know the full story because they want to keep it secret."

Bossick also confirmed future MGS motion cap sessions for this fall and possibly beyond, which leads us to believe that the title is moving through production quite smoothly – something Konami has struggled with lately. Hopefully we’ll hear official information from Konami and Kojima pertaining to the fifth installment; we’ll be sure to report said information when it becomes available.

Source: [VG247]