Sony Japan Releases First Nine Minutes of The Last Guardian

Spoilers abound for the intro of Last Guardian

Some have said The Last Guardian looks dated in graphial fidelity, but this trailer doesn't look half bad. The real beauty is in the physics and subtle details however. The creatures matted feathers, subtle injuries and movement/interaction with the boy are where the game seems to shine. He clamors and crawls through tight caverns, something a dragon in Skyrim couldn't even hope to do without clipping or terrible jittering.

Also the interacctions between the beast and the boy are adorable. It seems as the boy, the players act as an assist to the mucch more powerful beast. Telling him where to go, healing him in various ways, clearing puzzles to help him navigate smaller areas.

Clearly there are some minor spoilers here, but mostly just how the boy and beast  get to know each other. Let us know what you think!