The Gambit Movie is Getting A New Working Title; Is Still in Production

Can we just get the movie rolling, please?

The infamous Channing Tatum Gambit movie is slowly becoming the Duke Nukem Forever of the movie world. It's been stuck in development hell for a long time; since 2014 in fact. But four months ago, Tatum offered an update to the film, stating that they were "rethinking it". Since then, we haven't heard much until today.

The movie, in its new iteration, will be getting a new working title. For those who don't know, a working title isn't a movie's actual title, but their production name. For example, Return of the Jedi's  working title was Blue Harvest.

Previously, Fox was calling the film's working title "Chess", but new reports from Omega Underground claim that the film is now working under the title "Forevermore." They're currently doing location scouting in New Orleans with filming being set for early 2018.

The specifics of the working title change are unknown, but it's speculated that it's due to the previous title, Chess, was too public. Working titles are typically code names, meant to throw off any would-be leakers.

Regardless of the massive road bumps, Gambit has been making progress towards production. It was also recently reported that the studio has brought on production designer Jess Gonchor (No Country For Old Men, True Grit) as well as costume designer Jenny Beavan.

If no more turbulence hits, Gambit should be opening in theaters on February 14, 2019.