Users Report System Freeze After Recent PS3 4.0 Update

Sony's recently released PlayStation 3 System Software Update 4.0 hasn't been the most popular amongst its users, to say the least.  In fact, many fans have voiced their unhappiness with Sony's recent update.

Despite the latest update focusing heavily on the upcoming launch of the PlayStation Vita, many fans wanted more from an update as symbolically big as THE update 4.0.

Sony emphasized that the patch is directed towards the PS Vita and will "prepare the PlayStation 3 to serve as a content management device", as well as "allow users to copy their digital content such as games, music, photos, and videos between PS Vita and PS3, back up PS Vita game games including save data to your PS3 hard drive, and update the system software for your PS Vita system using the network features of your PS3."

The 4.00 system software update did include a number of changes including the ability to disable the automatic update feature, new PSN settings, and a few hidden changes as well.

What they didn't include in their update was the chance that it COULD cause your PlayStation 3 to freeze.  Fans have reported system freezes with their console since updating to 4.00 on the official PlayStation forums.

"I updated to 4.0 and now when I fastforward time then enter a building in skyrim it freezes the system," explained one fan about his experiences with popular RPG Skyrim after the update.

Others have reported similar issues, particularly with Skyrim.

"I'm having the same issue.  I have formatted the PS3 twice now, but it hasn't gotten any better.  Quite frustrating." – GeneQuagmire

Other users are saying that the 4.00 update is crashing at 50% during the install and that game discs are failing to be read.  As of right now, these seem to be isolated incidents.  Sony has yet to release any information about possible causes.

Have you experienced any problems with the 4.00 update, other than unhappiness with its lack of new features?