WATCH: Fan-Made Halo Multiplayer game for PC gets cinematic trailer

Yes, it's legal.

Halo fans who play the games on PC can attest that the lack of a true Halo game on their platform is disheartening, to say the least. PC players haven't seen a Halo game since the Halo 2 port back in May of 2007 for Windows Vista, and it was a flawed one at best. Apparently, some Halo fans have recognized the 10-year gap and Microsoft's unwillingness to put Halo 5 on Windows 10 as an untapped market, resulting in the creation of Installation 01, a multiplayer game built from the ground up as a tribute to classic Halo.

A few days ago, the developer posted the game's first ever cinematic trailer, and it's pretty awesome. Check it out.

On the surface, it would seem that the project is an easy Cease and Desist order away from being no more, but according to the game's website, the developers "operate very carefully under Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules."

All of Installation 01's assets are hand made "from scratch or obtained through the Unity Asset Store."

There's no indication when Installation 01 will be ready to play, but when it is, it will be free to play. If you'd like to see the game in action, however, the developers posted a Multiplayer Q&A video back in March with extensive in-game footage. Check it out.

Source: [Installation 01 via Gamespot]