Xbox One users reporting download problems Destiny’s Update 2.0

Heavy server loads, long update times, so on and so forth.

Update: Bungie is investigating the reports and there is a possible workaround to get the download working.

Bungie has released one of the biggest updates they have ever released for Destiny today. Update 2.0 has brought a number of features along with it, including free content from The Taken King. Unfortunately, with so many players attempting to download the update there was bound to be issues.

Xbox One owners are reporting issues with downloading the patch and transfering game content. Players are reporting that their installations are getting stopped at various points during the process and the transferring game content phase is getting stuck at anywhere from 30% to 55%.

Players have attempted resetting their Xbox and reinstalling Destiny from scratch, but their attempts to finish the installation process have been both frustrating and futile. 

Bungie requests your patience when attempting to download Update 2.0, citing that the inundation of players attempting to download the update as the problem.

If you have been met with update issues on whatever platform you are one make sure that you have enough room on your console:

  • Xbox 360 players require around 10GB free for the update
  • PS3 players will need about 30GB of room
  • Both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners will require a minimum of 60GB of space

Once you have confirmed you have enough room, head to the Bungie forums and release your rage. This will likely resolve nothing, but will make you feel better. Hopefully a fix pops up on the forums, otherwise, wait until the hype dies down and servers lighten up.