ZombiU to challenge Wii U players with one-death survival mode

We already know ZombiU is going to be a challenge. ZombiU already has an interesting respawn system that, once you die, has you come back as a different survivor attempting to flee a zombie-filled London, but Ubisoft has recently announced another type of mode meant for those who prefer even more of a challenge.

As reported by Nintendo World Report, this new mode will be similar to Diablo 3's Hardcore mode, meaning you'll have to try to complete the game with just one life. Once you die, that's it. No respawns, no second chances.

"We really want to target and challenge the games with ZombiU because this game is very hard," said Ubisoft's Nicolai Bouchai at Gamescom.

Ubisoft isn't totally throwing you to the zombies, however. The game will feature a hint system that allows you to leave helpful messages for other players, like Dark Souls. You can read these hidden messages using the Wii U GamePad as a scanner. The Wii U's controller will also include other useful features that will help with your survival. Detailed in the recent "In the Eye of ZombiU", the GamePad serves as the player's ultimate survival kit while also functioning as an over-the-shoulder view when lockpicking doors.