Need Humanity: Dark Souls playthrough Episode 15 – Anor Londo Part 3, Ornstein & Smough, & Lord Vessel

The Need Humanity playthrough series looks to introduce newer players to Dark Souls, help them with general mechanics, find items, and help with bosses. I trudge through Lordran, derp around bonfires, and kills some badies in the process.

In the fifteenth of this series, I decide I’m done with Anor Londo. There is no end of this horrid zone without every new players favorite boss fight, Ornstein & Smough. K-C and Jojo give up a bit of a fight but Rei is able to end their miserable lives. Our reward for taking them out is the Lord Vessel. This glorious item allows us to travel between certain bonfire. Me and Rei also say howdy to the sunlight princess-voluptuous Gwynevere as well as Kingseeker Frampt. Let’s enter the second half of the game!