4 Disney worlds that need to be in Kingdom Hearts 3

With Tangled confirmed, here are four more worlds we want in KH3



Just the art style and direction this movie took alone should see it appear in Kingdom Hearts 3. The colors and how the directors made the characters appear 3D in a 2D environment was incredible, especially being that it was released 14 years ago in 2001. As Heartless take on the form of whatever world they are in, it would be pretty interesting to see exactly how they would appear with the Atlantis technology. 

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6

Seriously? Baymax in the Kingdom Hearts world may actually be literally the best thing since sliced bread. How both Hiro and the rest of the gang could tie in the Heartless with the microbots from the movie deserves no explanation. The world is big enough with the Heartless trying to send the world into the warp hole that Baymax "disappears" into. All the supporting characters teamed up wth Hiro along with Sora and the gang leave a lot of options for advancement in the franchise. 

Kingdom Hearts 3 technically has a release date, but Square Enix isn't planning on announcing it until later this year — perhaps at an event on November 3rd.

In the meantime, let's speculate. What worlds would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts 3?

It's been over 13 years since the release of the original Kingdom Hearts on PlayStation 2 in 2002 and ten years since Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2005. Even though Square's latest Kingdom Hearts game bears a three in its name, it's hardly the third game in the franchise. Kingdom Hearts 3 will actually be the 12th game in the franchise, or 10th if you don't count the most recent remix/remasters. Since its original release 13 years ago, the franchise has been synonymous with tying in classic Disney characters and worlds into an interdeveloped, overlapping storyline that allows both casual and hardcore fans something to enjoy.

Regardless of how many games we've seen in the franchise, the question everyone always has is "What worlds are in it?" At E3 last week, Square Enix debuted their latest gameplay trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3, revealing one of the new worlds players will be visiting in the game: Disney's Tangled movie with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. 

With Tangled already confirmed, here are four more worlds from Disney we want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3:


Disney Pixar's Brave

This HAS to be in Kingdom Hearts 3 and it really isn't a question for me. I actually want this in the game more than I want Frozen out of it. It's one of the best and most well-rounded Disney films in the last ten years with a full protoganist, supporting characters, villain and lush, open world. Princess Merida trying to free her mother from Mor'du's curse has a great tie in with how Kingdom Hearts tends to envelop villains and story lines. The strong cast of supporting characters with her three brothers, father King Fergus and more make for a great, playable world.

Wreck-It Ralph

Disney's Wreck-It Ralph

This should be obvious but how incredible would it be to see Ralph in action with Sora, Donald and Goofy? All the Cameos in the film from Donkey Kong to Q-Bert to Sonic only add to action and those reproducing, robotic spiders in Sugar Rush would make a crazy team paired up with Ansem and the Heartless. Besides, the developers have stated in the past that the worlds they choose are picked on how well they would translate into gameplay as well as how much they teach Sora and allow him to grow.