SWAT: Target Liberty – PSP – Preview

SWAT is truly
one of the classic shooter titles in the realm of video games. It sparkled with
strong AI, focused on arresting and detaining the bad guys rather than just go
in guns blazing and leave the sorting out of the innocents from the bad guys to
the coroner.

The term “SWAT”
has the word ‘tactics’ nestled in the acronym, and the games were about tactics.
Sierra (along with developer 3G) has chambered the next round in the franchise,
but this time the SWAT title is releasing on the PSP handheld console.

Sierra showed
off SWAT: Target Liberty at the Sierra Spring Event held in San Francisco a
couple of weeks ago. GameZone was on hand to get an up-close look at this title
and from all appearances, this should carry the SWAT banner forward strongly.

“We tried to
take the things that made SWAT fun,” stated the Sierra representative when asked
how the handheld game would differentiate from the other platform releases.

And what does
that mean? It means moving in the characters from SWAT 4, and allowing players
to control their team members while creating random enemy placement within the
scenarios. The franchise format moves into the handheld in both the look and fun
factor, with the look remaining gritty and realistic.

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