‘Star Wars First Assault’ domain names registered by Lucasfilm

Lucasfilm, the parent company of LucasArts, has registered several domain names all relating to a mysterious project titled "Star Wars First Assault".

The report comes from Fusible, who spotted names like StarWarsFirstAssault.com and StarWarsFA.com were registered through Corporation Service Company, an internet brand protection agency who Lucasfilm just so happens to be a client of.

Below is the list of names that were all privately registered:

  • starwarsfa.com
  • starwarsfa.net
  • starwarsfa.de
  • starwarsfa.co.uk
  • starwarsfirstassault.com
  • starwarsfirstassault.net
  • starwarsfirstassault.de
  • starwarsfirstassault.co.uk
  • swfirstassault.com
  • swfirstassault.net
  • swfirstassault.de
  • swfirstassault.co.uk

So what is Star Wars First Assault? According to Fusible, no trademark application has been filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and with Lucasfilm not announcing anything, it's hard to speculate as to whether this is related to a video game, movie, or some other Star Wars project. And don't bother going to the domain names; they are currently empty.

Meanwhile, LucasArts currently has its hands full with upcoming third-person action-adventure game Star Wars 1313, a mature game centered around a bounty hunter traveling into the depths of Coruscant to the crime-filled underworld known as Level 1313.

If it does so happen to be another game, let's all hope for some type of Battlefront game.
