League of Legends Supremacy domain names registered, new mode?

If registered domain names are any indication of a company's plans, then Riot Games may be preparing to release a brand new mode for League of Legends called Supremacy.

It was discovered, back in February, that internet brand protection company MarkMontor had privately registered the domain names "leagueoflegendssupremacy.com" and "leagueoflegendssupremacy.net".  Riot Games is a client of MarkMonitor who, months ahead of the release of the League of Legends: Dominion mode, registered domain names like "leagueoflegendsdominion.com".

According to Fusible, this week MarkMonitor also registered variations of League of Legends: Supremacy domain names including:

  • leageoflegendssupremacy.com
  • leageoflegendssupremacy.net
  • leagueoflegendsupremacy.com
  • leagueoflegendsupremacy.net
  • leaugeoflegendssupremacy.com
  • leaugeoflegendssupremacy.net
  • lolsupramecy.com
  • lolsupramecy.net
  • lolsupremecy.com
  • lolsupremecy.net
  • lolsupremicy.com
  • lolsupremicy.net

These acquisitions are in addition to Riot Games acquiring the generic domain names "Supremacy.com" and "Supremacy.net".

While these don't guarantee a new mode, it's highly unlikely that a company would spend the kind of cash needed to register those names unless they had some sort of plan.

At PAX East earlier this month, Riot Games was actually asked about new game modes coming to League of Legends.  While they didn't say much in terms of what they were working on, they did confirm that Capture the Flag and Attack and Defense modes are highly unlikely.

"We want games with good pace and good action, and those two game modes aren't well suited for what we're doing," lead champion designer Ryan "Morello" Scott said.

So what type of mode will League of Legends: Supremacy be?  We don't know for sure, but if we find out we'll be sure to let you know.