Edmund McMillen releasing The Basement Collection

Edmund McMillen should be, like, everyone's favorite human being right now. In a recent blog post, the indie game designer behind projects such as Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac (and its amazing expansion Wrath of the Lamb) announced that he would be collecting several of his previous projects and releasing them in The Basement Collection (That's so McMillen!). The best part is that most of these games are being enhanced with new content such as achievements, more levels, and gameplay tweaks. The following is a list of the games included in The Basement Collection, straight from McMillen himself:

  • Time Fcuk (updated with new content, levels, and achievements)
  • Aether (updated with new content, graphics make over, improved physics, and achievements)
  • Spewer (updated with new content, graphics makeover, improved physics, new levels, new music track, and achievements)
  • Grey Matter (added achievements)  
  • Coil (added achievements)  
  • Meat Boy (Flash prototype) (no new content)
  • Triachnid (no new content)
  • Secret game (locked) (updated with new content, soundtrack, difficulty modes, and achievements)

In addition to the sweet extras listed above, each of the titles will feature bonus artwork and early prototypes. McMillen also stated that there will be "four very large bonus unlockables that should make fans of my work quite happy." Well, I was already totally stoked to see that Time Fcuk will be included in The Basement Collection. That's one of my favorite indie games, and I look forward to replaying it with the added achievements and levels!

I can only imagine what surprises McMillen will include. Here's hoping The C Word will be thrown in. Aw hell, even if it's not, I'll still totally geek out over The Basement Collection. If you're a fan of McMillen's work or want some kick-ass indie gaming goodness, watch out for this compilation on Steam, where it will launch this August for $4. That's right, $4! Seriously, this man is too awesome. F*ck yeah, Edmund McMillen!


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