Skyrim on PS3 Suffering from Lag Issues

PC gamers arent' the only ones suffering from poor frame rates and lag issues.  Recent complaints on the Bethesda forums reveal that Skyrim on PS3 may be suffering from lag issues, possibly due to gamesave size limit.

Forum member PurpleHaze was the first to post a question about it, explaining, "After my gamesave reached 5.3mb the game started to lag and go really unstable."

Some details about his problems include, "framerate issues, poor rendering, shoddy loading and non interactions for finishing quests/cutting wood etc."

From there, other PlayStation 3 gamers came forward with their claims.

"The more I played, the more lag I started to notice," claimed forum member Wildface.

Many have attributed the cause to be linked to the size of the game save files.  5.3mb is a pretty large file considering the relatively small sizes of other games' save files.  Of course, there are some who claim to have saved files over that size and not suffering any setbacks, so this could be an isolated case.  At worst, Bethesda should be able to fix it with a patch.