Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider has made its debut on the PSP finally with Tomb Raider: Legend. The game is essentially the same game as the consoles counterparts but with exclusive minigames included into the PSP package. The game features the same levels and puzzles from the consoles version but now it’s portable so you can have Lara in your pocket where ever you may go. However, does this title fair as well as did on the consoles with its transition to the PSP?

Tomb Raider: Legend allows players to take control of through 8 levels through 4 different continents. You’ll travel from Bolivia all the way to Tokyo and Peru throughout the game. Before getting into each level you’ll have to wait around 20 seconds before the game is fully loaded. The loads are long but aren’t in any way terribly long. As you explore and go through each of the levels you will have some basic objectives to complete before being able to move forward. Players will have to solve a variety of puzzles in order to open new doors and passage ways in order to have Lara gain more access to the level. The game doesn’t only feature puzzles but platforming as well. In some cases you will need to have Lara jump across ledges, climb vines, and a variety of other ways to journey through the level. Of course, the platforming and puzzle sections of the game are by far the most fun. The puzzles are not very difficult and this allows players to be able to advance in the game without getting stuck on a puzzle. To solve many of these puzzles you will use on of Lara’s many gadgets she comes equipped with. These include a grapple that can pull down objects and allow Lara to swing to across crevices.

The game also has some shooting involved at times. Lara comes equipped with twin pistols, grenade launcher, and a chain gun. To shoot enemies you’ll simply press the L button to lock onto an enemy and shoot. If you want to add some style to your shooting you can do some fancy slow-motion moves like jumping off of an enemy and then shoot him in the head. You will encounter a variety of human enemies as well as animals in the natural environment surrounding you. The shooting is very easy to use and are in most cases very easily disposed of. However, not all is perfect in the shooting and platforming sections of the game. Often in the game the camera will become a nuisance. Because of the lack of a second analog stick, like the console versions has, the PSP runs into camera problems during the shooting and platforming parts of the game. Players will often have to manually fix the camera by using the square button and then moving the camera with the analog stick. Although it sounds very easy to fix the main problem is that you must stop all moving and fix the camera in a still position. If you don’t fix the camera and attempt to jump blindly you’ll almost certainly die and have to wait for the game to reload once again.

Exclusive to the PSP version of the game are some multiplayer minigames. The minigames are only available in ad/hoc mode so you can play with your local friends. The minigames take place in levels from the single player games and has two players going head-to-head in a few different minigames. Some of the minigames will have players racing across a whole level and see who will finish first. Another minigame is along the lines of hide and seek with the players hiding an artifact and making the other player go out and find theirs. Unfortunately the minigames aren’t as much fun as they could be and they suffer from the same camera problems from the single player game. The minigames will provide a nice break from the single player game and can be fun at times. However, the minigames are not something to get overly excited about.

Graphically the game is nearly on par with the console versions of the game. Some of the things you will notice in the PSP version are some slight clipping and collision-detection problems between Lara and the surrounding environment. Despite the graphics looking very sharp and detailed on the PSP there are some frame rate issues. The game suffers from significant slowdown when there is a lot is happening onscreen. But overall the game runs fine and looks excellent as well. The graphics are in the top of the best looking PSP games out to date.

The sound in Tomb Raider: Legend is excellent. The game sounds just like the console counterparts and features all the life the consoles games had. Lara will have all the great voice acting from the console games as well in this version. The music sounds excellent on the PSP as well.

Like most titles on the PSP right now the analog stick provides some control problems and Tomb Raider is no exception. In the platforming parts of the game you’ll have to line-up before jumping or moving and the analog stick doesn’t help this. The controls will grow on you over time but they will initially get in the way and won’t make you feel comfortable. In order to equip new items you will need to use the D-pad to cycle through the items and then choose from there.

Tomb Raider: Legend made a very nice transition from consoles to the PSP in this port. Despite some control and camera problems the game is still very solid and should be played by all Tomb Raider fans. If you have already played the console versions of the game this version won’t offer you anything new but if you want to take Lara on the road this is your best bet. Tomb Raider: Legend is a very solid title for the PSP and is worth checking out.

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