Let’s Ride: Friends Forever – PC – Review

Let’s Ride!
is a series of pet simulation games that allows
players to become horse owners, without the expense. In this virtual world,
players care for their horses and enter them in various competitions. Some of
the games focus on a particular type of competition, and some focus more on
caring for the horse. In Let’s Ride Friends Forever, the general theme is
taking care of the horses and earning their love and trust, with a tournament
theme as a secondary consideration.

On beginning
the game, players choose a particular type of horse, and can choose physical
characteristics for their horse. This horse is a young foal, and will take
several game days to mature. Initially, many personal care products are
provided for the horse, but only a few riding necessities. There are a lot of
fun things for the horse in the beginning, such as cleaning and grooming
products and a large variety of food items. Saddles, bridles and blankets can
be purchased later with credits earned during the course of the game.
Beautification items can also be purchased later. Riding is also something
that won’t happen until the horse matures to about three years of age.

The horse
requires quite a bit of attention, and players will spend much of their game
time grooming the horse and cleaning out their stable. Petting the horse and
feeding it treats will earn trust, and players will also need to exercise the
horse regularly and often. Grooming and feeding are needed on a regular basis,
as well.

In order to
keep track of needed actions for their horse, players can just glance at the
health meter at the bottom left of the screen. This displays a bar meter
depicting exercise, hunger/thirst, trust and health (cleanliness).
This menu also holds inventory items, and has buttons for location changes.
Players can paddock their horse in the outside meadow, and also travel to a
few set locations outside the stable.

The stable
is where the general care for the horse takes place. Outside is where the
riding and exercise happen. Outside, players can ride their horse around the
fields, or travel to the tournament area and either enter
a tournament if there is one available, or practice in either jumping shows or
shows that demonstrate physical characteristics of their horse.

The menu
interface is a good one and displays all the needed information in a useful
manner. However, the general movement of the player in the game, particularly
in the stable, is clumsy and awkward. The WASD or the arrow keys are used for
all movement and viewing, which works fine outside while riding and walking,
but less so in the stable. The problem is the use of set camera points for
locomotion and viewing purposes, rather than a free-style camera while
moving. For example, when standing by the horse, in order to move to the
other side of the stable to fetch food or other items, players have to first
use the keyboard to swivel around until an icon shows up for the food area
across the room, then click on it with the mouse. The view yanks the player
quickly over to this area, but then the player has to use the keyboard keys to
move around this confined space. Often the beginning camera view has the
needed items barely in sight, and players have to keep swiveling around with
the keys until they’re in a good position. This is most problematic in the
harness and tools areas.

Let’s Ride
isn’t a difficult game to play, but it’s a little hard to understand in the
beginning. The manual is rather sparse, and the in-game tutorial isn’t much
better. Also, once the tutorial has been accessed during the first game,
subsequent players have to manually choose for this option in the settings,
which isn’t clearly explained.

There are
also problems in trying to get a good angle by the horse in order to use items
on it, such as grooming and feeding objects. Players will often be so close to
the horse they can’t see the part they need to brush, and then they have to
keep fiddling with the keyboard keys to get a better angle.

The game’s
graphics are pretty nice and the horses all look great. The tools, food, and
other objects are drawn well, and the various outfits, saddles and accessories
are attractive. The environments are of a lesser quality and are rather

Let’s Ride is fun, and there are lots of things for players to do. Besides
riding and caring for their horses (players can have more than one horse in
separate game sessions), players can buy all sorts of cool accessories for
their horses to wear in shows. This shopping exercise would be more fun,
though, if players could actually enter the stores. For some reason, the
designers chose to just have a list of items thrown up in a menu when players
pass by the stores, similar to the store menus in Oregon Trail from years ago.

Besides the
general fun aspect, there is some good practical knowledge to be gained from
this game. Players will definitely know more about horses and pet care after
they’ve played. Young girls in particular will enjoy this game, with the
optimum age range best for players ages 8-13. My niece is 13 and on the outer
age limit, but she is having a good time with this game. Younger players will
probably need some help in the beginning, but once they learn the basic
controls, they will have a great time.

Scoring Details

for Let’s Ride: Friends Forever!

Gameplay: 7.5
Playing Let’s
Ride! is fun and enjoyable, and young girls
especially will love it. The awkward interface and movement makes things a
little harder, but overall the game is generally engaging and informative.
Replay value is also high.

Graphics: 7.5


graphics are nice overall, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Sound: 7.5


sound effects are good but minimal. It would have been fun to hear the horse
munching or neighing. Some music would have been appreciated, too.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Mostly easy, but
sometimes difficult to understand needed actions in the beginning, due to the
thin manual.

Concept: 7.0
Pet simulations
are nothing new, but the presentation in this game is good.

Overall: 7.5
A fun way to play
with horses! While design elements like a better movement interface and more
graphical features would have added to the general quality, the main theme of
caring for the horse and riding it is pretty much on target. A good choice for