Richard Burns Rally – MB – Review

Richard Burns was a bonafide superstar in the
world of Rally racing, having passed away Nov 25, 2003, a victim of
astrocytoma (brain tumor), Richard would always be remembered as a gentleman
both on and off the track.  And what better way to honor the man then to make
a racing title that’s a hoot to play and one heck of a challenge.
With a control schematic that could only be
described as "angry" rally is an interesting way to pass the time.  Starting
off you only have two tracks and three cars and you must complete specific two
different game modes to unlock the other cars/tracks.  Now, here is the thing
that I noticed, this is more of a real rally game then the other rally games
I’ve played.  Meaning, instead of a two or three minute lap, you must race on
a larger track that’s broken down into stages and therefore you will have a
harder time memorizing the tracks’ lines and nuances.  But with a real rally
game comes the control issues.  And while you should expect a certain amount
of squirrelly-ness in your control, RBR is an unforgiving beast.  Think about
this in a mathematical equation, speed X rough roads / poor steering = wrecks
often.  But for me, that was some of the appeal, speeding along at breakneck
speeds barely controlling 359 horses as I carom around a hairpin turn.  Of
course the Giz doesn’t have a sensitive enough of a control pad for these
types of speeds (in my opinion) but that doesn’t make the game any less fun. 

 "Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go….."

Now if you have played enough of the game you will
find that some cars do better on some courses and some simply do not, so there
is some thought that needs to be applied when getting ready to race.  And
speaking of races, the game does clip by at a steady 30 fps which on the small
screen of the Gizmondo is more then enough to make your eyes dry out from lack
of blinking.  But the different road textures as opposed to the beefiness of a
car’s engine will make things play out differently.  At first my thought was
to find the fastest car and stick with it through the different courses.  But
after umpteen hundred wrecks, I realized that it’s slower and steady that wins
the race.  Of course, there is something to be said about top end speed, and
there are some courses that will embrace a faster car, but for the most part
it’s an easier controlled car that I found I could react to my co-pilot’s
shouts "Hard right!", "Easy left!" 
Now the graphics featured in RBR are easily some
of the nicest looking games I’ve seen on a handheld.  From the easily
distinguished textures of the different roads, to the high level of detail in
the backgrounds and cars themselves.  The sense of speed is astounding and the
little arrows that pop up telling you what kind of turn is approaching are
readily identifiable.  The course conditions are as varied as I would have
hoped and the first time I noticed that my car was starting to look like it
had been in a bad wreck (cause it was) made a little smile cross my face, and
I could swear that my vehicle’s performance started to suffer as well. 

 "I’d stop and pull over
for you but this car is not equipped with brakes."

From an audio point of view, there is nothing
wrong with how this game sounds.  Using my ear buds, I liked how the game’s
cars sounded as they wound up and the crashes were bone jarring as well as a
full sounded.  The shout outs were clear and helpful while the menu music was
tidy and well put together.

Review Scoring Details

Richard Burns Rally

Gameplay: 8.0
The Gizmondo controls might not match up to the
heavy demands of the game itself, but you will have a heck of a time trying to
reel in the cars while flying down the courses.  The quick rally to help
familiarize yourself with how the game works and then the career mode to try
and unlock all those other goodies.
Graphics: 8.6
It’s a great looking game from all avenues.  Good
looking tracks with varying racing conditions, cars that show damage as they
get along and smooth but clear frame rate.
Sound: 8.4
A tidy little soundtrack that has very distinct
yet identifiable noises.  Love the shout outs.
Difficulty: Hard
This is not for the faint hearted, it’s tough, but
totally worth it.
Concept: 8.1
It’s a fitting homage to a racing hero.  I think
there was some real thought put into this title and since I normally don’t
care for racing titles, this one has changed my mind.
Overall: 8.5
High speed low drag action is your to be had if
you so desire.  It’s games like this that make me hope for the Gizmondo’s
future, well done.