Last year’s Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was one of the standout PSP games of last
year, not only being a great action game, but a title that restored the
franchise to its former glory. Now, Sony Bend has launched the sequel, Syphon
Filter: Logan’s Shadow, which follows its predecessor very closely in terms of
gameplay elements. However, the game doesn’t feel like a complete recap, instead
upping the ante with fantastic action and intense gameplay, being a great
adventure all the way through. Fans of the series and PSP owners alike should
take note, as this is one of the best PSP games to come out this year.
Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow offers a bit more of a story-oriented quest that
Dark Mirror. The script (written by scribe Greg Rucka) finds Gabe Logan in a
world of hurt. Your friend and partner Xian Ling has apparently gone rogue and
disappeared, leading Gabe to take matters into his own hands, searching for his
missing friend’s whereabouts and uncovering the secrets of her past.
While much of the gameplay feels the same as last year’s great Dark Mirror,
there have been a few new additions. You can blind fire now, holding your gun
out from cover in order to shoot at your opponents while staying out of harm’s
way. Also, you can grab your enemies and use them as a human shield. Sneaking up
undetected on an enemy will activate a grapple option, letting you grab them
from behind. A yellow bar will then build up on the screen that works as your
time gauge, as once it gets filled up, your foe will break free and can’t be
grappled again. However, you do get a decent amount of time to take out the
other enemies around, and begin a context sensitive mini-game in order to kill
your hostage.
The game does have a good amount of these context sensitive situations, from
opening a door to hooking up a crane to some debris. Whereas a lot of games have
these kinds of sequences thrown in and they can often feel juxtaposed into the
mix, they feel pretty intuitive and fit in with this game’s overall flow.
The last big new addition to Logan’s Shadow is the underwater missions. Gabe can
now swim in 360 degree segments, often requiring you to take out enemy divers
with a harpoon gun. These segments do a good job of adding some variety to the
game’s overall structure.
Graphically, the game represents some of the best graphics that the PSP handheld
has to offer. The character models look great, and the environments
(particularly the awesome water effects) are very impressive. Not only does the
game look good, though, it moves very smoothly and doesn’t slow down very much
even in high intensity situations.
Soundwise, the game is also pretty impressive. The soundtrack, done by Azam Ali,
is appropriately moody and yet action-packed when the on-screen events call for
it. The voice acting and sound effects are also done pretty well.
Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow is a great entry to the series and continues its
fine legacy on the PSP. Whereas previous console iterations have been average at
best, the PSP keeps churning out great additions to the Syphon Filter series.
Fans of action games and of the PSP would do well to pick this title up.
Gameplay: 9.0
Logan’s Shadow makes a few subtle additions over its predecessor but feels
largely the same. Among the key new features are underwater missions, the
ability to use your enemies as human shields, blind firing, and
context-sensitive sequences added to the great gameplay elements of Dark Mirror.
Graphics: 9.5
Shadow is a fantastic looking PSP game, with well-rendered character models and
environments, as well as a solid framerate.
Sound: 9.0
The score is great, adding a lot of moodiness to the game’s spy formula, and the
sound effects and voice acting are quite good.
Difficulty: Medium
Multiplayer: 9.0
game gives you seven maps and five modes (Sabotage, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch,
Rogue Agent, and Retrieval), as well as a robust lobby system to make it easy to
get into the action.
Concept: 9.0
Filter: Logan’s Shadow has a compelling storyline filled with twists and turns,
making it well-written adventure that is compelling from start to finish.
Overall: 9.0
Filter: Logan’s Shadow is a fantastic PSP game, and one of the best action games
to hit the system. Check it out if you’re a fan of last year’s Dark Mirror or if
you are an fan of deep action games.