Final Fantasy IV – NDS – Review

Next to Final Fantasy
and Final Fantasy X, the fourth game in the franchise (well, it
was the fourth in Japan) has always been one of my favorites and it’s mainly
thanks to the story that stands out beautifully. I’m a sucker for a good
adventure with romance and intrigue that is so genuine that you can’t help but
be swept away by it and the plight of the characters. Square Enix has released
an updated and wonderfully rendered new version of Final Fantasy IV for
the Nintendo DS and let me tell you that it is – by far – one of the best
versions of the game you will definitely want to buy.


I should note
that the game had been remade before on several different platforms including on
the Game Boy Advance.
 On the Game
Boy Advance it played just like it did back in the day but there is just
something exciting about playing an original with enough updates that change
things enough while keeping the core just as pleasant as the original. Final
Fantasy IV
on the DS not only does just that but it manages to be one
seriously impressive way to show off what the DS is capable of bringing fans of
handheld gaming and the role-playing game genre.



The game’s story, as I
mention, is one of the finest in the franchise and epic in scope. It tells the
tale of Cecil, a Dark Knight and Lord Captain of the famous Red Wings that serve
the King of the land Baron. For years, Cecil served his King without question
but lately the King’s decisions have been haunting the young knight to the point
that he begins to question orders. It isn’t until Cecil returns from stealing a
mystical crystal from a peaceful kingdom that the King demotes him for
questioning the order and sets him on a mission of destruction. Along with his
friend Kain, Cecil’s love interest Rosa and a mysterious summoner named Rydia,
Cecil and his friends embark on a quest for redemption and discover the real
reason why the King of Baron wants other similar crystals.


Square Enix is certainly
no stranger to great production values and the DS version of Final Fantasy IV
is no exception. You know you’re in for a pleasant surprise when the CG
opening looks like it would fit right at home on a television screen. The
classic 2D game of the Super NES days is now replaced by wonderfully detailed 3D
environments and characters and they even managed to fit in all the memorable
scenes and quests from the original. The bottom touch screen isn’t utilized
except for multiplayer mini-games and a feature that allows you to draw a new
face on your Summon character. In short, everything you liked about the original
is present but there are also some nice new touches that complete the package.



You’ll still encounter
many of the interesting and endearing characters in the game but you will also
get wrapped up in situations involving said character so when you run into the
Moogle called Namingway you will not only brush him away like in the original
but also become involved in a quest related to him. The same core quests are
also back and will feel familiar to fans of the original as well as the insane
difficulty setting that makes each random battle fierce trails and boss battles
feel epic. As an old school gamer, I’m glad to jump back to the days when boss
battles were lengthy affairs that required patience and strategy. You’ll find
yourself thanking the Gaming Gods for the Quick Save feature throughout the


Still, the difficulty
level doesn’t make for complete frustration. This just means that there is much
emphasis in strategy and your ability to make good use of the updated party
allocation features. You can set up your party’s placement on the battlefield by
placing the weakest characters in the back and the stronger ones up front and
switch on the fly during the turn-based battles. This means that battles require
skill rather than just hoping your character will land a critical blow. Auto
Battle is available but believe me when I say that you will want complete
control during battles.


Another new addition comes
in the form of augments that allow players to combine abilities much like you
would a special item and transfer new abilities to each character. If, for
example, you’re not happy with Kain’s default ability you can augment a skill
better suited to him. Rydia is back and as a summoner she has the ability to
call up her summon creature that comes in the form of Whyt. On a related note,
Whyt (and the return of Fat Chocobo) is also the center of the game’s
multiplayer feature that allows you and a friend to take each other on in a
wireless battle. There are also a few fun mini-games that make use of the touch
screen and Stylus as well that are used to train Whyt.



As I mentioned, the
production values of this version of Final Fantasy IV are extremely high
and the game’s visuals are truly something to be savored. The CG cut scenes
alone are simply gorgeous and outshine past FF games on the DS. With
nicely detailed backgrounds and character models, the new 3D look will not fail
to impress. Even the animation and visual effects are awesome.


The sound is also just as
appealing as the game’s graphics, although there are moments when the voice
acting will make you cringe. Still, this is hardly a complaint seeing as it’s
great to hear the voices of Cecil and Rosa bring the characters to life during
cut scenes. Most of the voice acting isn’t too bad, though, and the sound
effects are actually decent enough. The game has an updated soundtrack that is
definitely a highlight.


One of the most impressive
and brilliantly updated remakes, Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS
does not fail to capture the spirit of one of the most beloved games in the
series. Pushing the handheld’s technology to its fullest, the upgraded visuals
and gameplay simply serve to advance all the things we loved about the game. In
short, Square Enix has brought us a definitive version of the game every fan of
the genre must not be without. 


Review Scoring Details for FINAL FANTASY IV


Gameplay: 9.0
The updated battle system keeps
things fresh while retaining that classic feel of the original and you better
believe that the battles are still just as tough as the original. Still, there’s
a lot to explore when you’re not locked in battle and the story that unfolds is
delightfully epic.


Graphics: 9.5
Once again, Square Enix is able to
impress DS owners by not only pushing the graphical capabilities of the DS but
also managing to display some truly impressive visuals. Aside from the more than
decent 3D character models during gameplay, the CG intro is gorgeous.


Sound: 9.0
Just like the stellar visuals, the
game’s sound is equally impressive and the soundtrack is superb to the point
that you will definitely not mind it playing over and over again. The sound
effects are good and do the job nicely. There’s also voice acting in the game
and much of it is good while the rest is just plain awful.


Difficulty: Hard
Considered one of the more difficult
games in the Final Fantasy series, this one will have you sweating
bullets early in the game and very often to the point that you’ll be glad you
made use of the Quick Save feature when a random battle erupts. Believe me when
I say that boss battles are major events that will keep you very busy.


Concept: 9.0
As far as remakes are concerned,
Final Fantasy IV
is surprisingly superb on the DS and is just as enjoyable
as the original. This one also has a great story with a collection of very
likeable characters and there are even wireless multiplayer features.


Multiplayer: 8.0
Fat Chocobo also serves as a gateway
to Wi-Fi communication and multiplayer Whyt battles against a friend. You can
also go up against a friend in a few touch screen mini-games that are actually
quite fun … although one or two of them are tough.


Overall: 9.0
Without a doubt one of the best
portable remakes of a console classic, Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo
DS is a remarkable and downright satisfying game that does justice to the
original and RPGs. Yes there are a few problems that pop up but they pale
compared to the awesome nature of the material and updated gameplay that makes
this a real Must Have.