YouTube now supports 60fps videos, commence drool

Silky smooth

YouTube has finally rolled out its 60fps feature, after it's been announced a while back. That means users can now upload and watch videos at silky 60 frames per second, mimicking the source machine it was captured from.

Of course now that this new feature is live, tons of users have already uploaded various clips in 60fps, and the result is pretty phenomenal.

To make sure you're seeing each video in 60fps, make sure to switch to either 720p or 1080p, as those are the only two formats that support that frame rate. Also, it seems like the new feature only works on Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer don't have the 60fps feature listed next to either of the two HD resolutions.

If you have a capture card, you can now start capturing in full 60fps and actually see the difference on YouTube. Do make a note that capturing footage on your PS4 using the Share Button won't work as it only captures at 720p and 30fps to save hard drive space, so you'll definitely need a capture card. And what do you know, I recently reviewed one that takes awesome 60fps videos, The Elgato 60HD.

Here is the new Mortal Kombat X trailer featuring Quan Chi:

Battlefield 3 Montage by Threatty

Star Citizen by Draegast

Killer Instinct by Maximillian Dood